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Primavera Contractor®


You're a Contractor. You just won a contract with a major client. The client is using Primavera P6® and wants to be able to import your tasks directly to Primavera software. You also want to be able to continually communicate and provide accurate and up-to-date reports to the project manager throughout the project to ensure you get paid on time. What do you do?


Primavera Contractor® is an affordable and convenient solution specifically built for contractors. It makes scheduling, reporting, and progress planning simple. Stay on schedule, save time, improve productivity and communication, and ensure accuracy with Primavera Contractor®.


You can bid on projects with clients using Primavera as you already have the required scheduling tool to produce meaningful schedules. Additionally, as your employees already know to use Contractor®, it is faster for them to upgrade to Primavera P6® if the need arises. Features such as customizable Gantt charts and interactive PERT charts make keeping up communication with clients and other contractors much easier, cutting down on confusion and time spent going back and forth.

Emerald’s Experience

Emerald has trained and advised many groups of Primavera Contractor® users across Canada.

For more information, please see:

Contractor Brochure

Contractor Datasheet