Highlights Overview News Case Studies Videos Survey Results BlogsExtract and archive important documents and attachments from Primavera Contract Management
- A fast and easy tool to archive documents and attachments from PCM
- Keep your PCM environment clean and organized
- Create copies faster and filter only the information you need
- Extract data by project, module, or even vendor
Latest Version - Highlights
Select the projects you want to archive. Select as many or as few as you wish.
Choose the modules to include in the archive.
Optionally, apply a filter so that only documents relating to a specific vendor are included. Or choose all vendors to grab everything.
The task status page lets you review ongoing and completed archive tasks.
The task details window lets you see details about the ongoing or completed extraction.
The archive includes printouts, Excel sheets, and attachments for every archived document, as well as files with status information, in an easy-to-navigate hierarchy. No special tools are required to access the archived information.
The summary spreadsheet has a tab with information about all documents that could only be partially extracted. In this case, the attachment on this document could not be downloaded.
The summary spreadsheet also has a tab listing all archived documents.
The archive includes an Excel sheet for each archived document that includes all of the fields for the record, as well as any line items, issues, and costs.
The archive includes a PDF printout of the default form for each document type.
Over time your Primavera Contract Management (PCM) database can become disorganized and cluttered with old projects. Clean-up efforts can be tedious and time consuming, especially when projects or documents need to be removed but copies need to be made. PCM does have out-of-the-box archiving capabilities, but it does not include the ability to extract attachments, nor does it allow you to select information by vendor or module.
The PCM-Archiver is a web application that generates a PDF copy of all project documents and attachments and saves them as a Zip file for safe keeping, giving you peace of mind that no important data will be lost when cleaning up or deleting projects on your database. This tool makes it possible to backup entire projects, create detailed records of a vendor’s or contractor’s project history, or even create a snapshot of your database at a particular moment in time.
- The PCM-Archiver automatically compresses your PCM documents and attachments, decreasing the amount of storage needed for your extracted data.
- Have enhanced control over which documents and attachments you can export. Extract by project, module or even by vendor.
- The folder structure of the zip file maintains the same folder structure as Contract Management, making it easy to relocate documents once they are archived.

PCM-Archiver v6.1 - New Release
PCM-Archiver version 6.1 gives you better control than ever over the archived file and folder names.

PCM-Archiver v6 - New Release
PCM-Archiver version 6 allows you to save even more time when resuming previously-interrupted extractions.

PCM-Archiver v5 - New Release
Our latest version of PCM-Archiver makes it easier than ever before to extract projects from PCM.
Case Studies
PCM-Archiver Used to Archive Client Data

PCM-Archiver Helped Client Move Away from PCM While Keeping Information in It

PCM-Archiver Saved Client Hours of Manual Work

PCM-Archiver Used to Archive Client Data in PCM

PCM-Archiver Saved 7 Years of Server Maintenance
PCM-Archiver Used for Client Moving from PCM to Unifier

PCM-Archiver Used Before Decommissioning Server

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