Oracle Primavera Portfolio Management
Effective Portfolio Management and Portfolio Optimization
Portfolio management isn’t easy. Consider the multitude of factors:
- Multiple investments (IT/Capital, Sustaining/Expansion, etc.)
- Various stages of development and geographies
- Different business units
We face changing market conditions and shifting budgetary constraints compounded by a limited amount of capital, and it should be of no surprise that creating portfolios that truly align with a corporations’ strategic direction and importantly, add value to the organization is critical.
Portfolio Management "Pain Points"
Many of our clients share six main “pain points” they typically encounter when managing their portfolios:
Strategic Fit
How can we maintain the portfolio’s alignment with the business strategy as conditions change? Are we investing in the right things?
Portfolio Balance
How can we maintain a balanced portfolio in an environment of economic, budgetary and strategic change? Are we really keeping the right projects and getting rid of the ones that don’t add value?
Interdependencies within the Portfolio
How can we be sure that we’re managing the interdependencies between our initiatives properly? Have we cut projects on which others depend?
Information Currency
Are we basing our portfolio decisions on current information – and how can we tell how current it is?
Transparency & Audit Trails
How do we prove good governance behind our decisions – is our process transparent and can we provide a SOX-worthy audit trail? Do our employees feel engaged in the business?
Pet Projects
Are we keeping the “pet projects” at bay? Just how objective is our selection and vetting process really?
Portfolio Management Relief
The effective relief to this pain is Primavera Portfolio Management. Its proven capability is working at many of North America's largest businesses and US Government departments (including the Departement of Defense) to create better, more value-creating portfolios. The package's modular design targets the typical pain points of portfolio management and generates powerful tools to optimize your portfolio management through a user-friendly, intuitive interface:
Sophisticated Strategic Alignment Functionality
Powerful modeling of your organization’s key strategic drivers across multiple axes to enable intuitive graphic displays and dashboarding of your portfolios’ performance across multiple parameters.
Advanced Scenario Analyses
Underpinned by interactive charting functionality, Primavera Portfolio Management enables portfolio balancing across multiple dimensions and an almost limitless set of scenarios.
Dependency Management
Clear identification of the interdependencies within your portfolios reduces the risk of cutting initiatives on which others may depend.
Real-time, Dynamic Data
One Version of the Truth and audit trail.
Workflow Functionality
One database can be accessed by many simultaneously. Primavera Portfolio Management has a built-in audit functionality.
Security is down to the individual cell level.
Objective Concept Analysis & Triage Facility
All proposals are subjected to the same objective criteria, reducing the possibility that "pet projects" can slip in under the radar.
How PPM can help You
PPM complements your existing IT systems architecture with no impact on existing systems. At its core, PPM provides your organization with a means of juggling all the considerations of strategic portfolio management, leveraging off your company's existing data sources. It can provide you with:
Governance That Answers Key Business Questions
What are we spending, and what are we getting for it?
Are we funding the right investments?
How can we do more with less? Where are we wasting money?
Is this the optimum support we can provide for the business?
Governance that Focuses the Organization on the Right Things
Online collaboration and decision support
Standardized processes for choosing / managing investments
Drives deployment of business strategy
Continually monitors execution
Emerald is ready to implement Primavera Portfolio Management to help you sucessfully manage your projects and investments.