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Looking for Resource Leveling in Oracle Primavera Cloud (OPC)?

Have you used resource or role leveling in Oracle Primavera Cloud (OPC)? If not, you may find my observations interesting.
OPC has resource leveling functionality, but if you are accustomed to the resource leveling functionality in software such as P6 Client, you will find OPC has functionality missing.

Allow me to provide a couple of examples.

In OPC, you do not have direct control of the max percent overallocation allowed on resources. You also do not control whether the levelling process is allowed to move the end date of the project. (No direct ‘level within total float’ control is available in OPC.)

The Level dialogue in OPC – Resources tab looks like this:

Level dialogue in OPC – Resources Tab

Level dialogue in OPC – Resources Tab 2

Keep in mind that OPC does not have resource shifts. If your project is imported from P6 Client and has used shifts there, the resource shifts are not imported.

In P6 Client, you can use the Level Resources dialogue to level resources only within activity Total Float, and can set the max percent to over-allocate resources when leveling within total float. Additionally, P6 Client allows you to set ‘Preserve minimum float’ when leveling.

Level Resources Dialogue in P6 Client

Going back to OPC, our sample Project 007 in OPC has been leveled. The resulting dates are below. (Leveling is available in the Schedule app - Activities page.)

Dates for Leveled Project

The leveling options used to level Project 007 are:

Leveling Options to Level Project 007

Additional Leveling Options to Level Project 007

Observation: Project 007 is part of a program. What happens if I have a program that contains one or more additional projects, along with the file we leveled?

Multiple Projects in a Program

The file Project 007 has been leveled and we did not add constraints or make any other specific changes to hold the leveled dates. We will reschedule the file in the program. Once the file is rescheduled, you will see the profile below.

Profile Seen After File is Rescheduled

If a program you create has a project that is leveled and one that is not, rescheduling the two files together (in the program) will reschedule the leveling results in the leveled project. (This is assuming the leveled file was simply leveled and no constraint additions, logic changes, or other changes were made to hold the leveled dates.)
Note that you can open all the program files at once, but there is no access to leveling in the Activities page in the program.

To leverage the functionality in OPC to your advantage, it is useful to be aware of exactly what is available.
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About the Author

Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist

Mary Lynn spent many years filling a variety of project controls duties such as planning, scheduling, analyzing, training and continuous improvement in the Aerospace Industry. Since joining Emerald in 2008, she has been a tremendous asset to the Emerald team. She has worked as a lead scheduler for turnarounds, led sessions for review and troubleshooting of scheduling and reporting, created and given custom training courses for clients, and is a sought after Primavera P6 trainer.

Mary Lynn enjoys some very diverse spare time activities. Along with a variety of outdoor activities such as gardening, she also enjoys making life size lawn ornaments for special holidays like Christmas. Mary Lynn is known for her participation in the community as well. You may have seen her walking in fundraisers in Edmonton and Calgary for the Cancer Society.

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