Bucket Planning with the P6-Loader
Watch how you can do bucket planning with the P6-Loader in this mini clip.

Primavera P6 will spread out resource units and costs evenly throughout the life of an activity by default. This is not always an accurate reflection of resource usage. In this mini clip, we will briefly discuss and demonstrate how you can do accurate bucket planning using P6-Loader. Take a look to see how easily you can redistribute units and costs into particular time periods!
P6-Loader is a custom Primavera P6 add-on tool developed by Emerald Associates in order to simplify the process of loading, extracting, and updating Primavera P6 data, ensuring the process is smoother, easier, and much faster. In addition, P6-Loader boasts multiple utilities that allows you to clean up and work with your data in Primavera P6. Cloud-enabled and Oracle Cloud marketplace approved, P6-Loader can make your job a whole lot easier!
For more information, and to find out how Emerald's P6-Loader tool can help your company, please contact Emerald Associates.