Provincial Government Agency, Ontario, Canada
The company collected data from various sources and in various formats in order to calculate energy savings and benefit values for their energy savings initiatives in the province. This made it impossible to report on energy conservation results at the portfolio level.
Emerald’s Solution
Emerald implemented Primavera P6 to allow the company to manage and record data from different initiatives in the same format and run standardized reporting and analysis on program performance. Emerald has developed P6-Loader, a program that allows the client to import the data from Excel spreadsheets into Primavera. Emerald has also developed a benefit calculator program that is used to calculate the savings and benefits. The client was able to see the results through custom developed portlets that can be accessed through the dashboards in P6 Web, the Primavera web tool.
This is a very successful outcome for the client, who is now able to manage its initiatives at a portfolio level through what-if scenarios and cost effectiveness tests which are also used for planning future energy conservation initiatives in the province.