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Articles in Category: CAPPS

CAPPS Version 10

Looking for an easy way to collect project schedule updates from your project team? There’s a better way than paper reports and the data entry that comes with them. You can have your team enter their updates once in CAPPS, and from there the updates can be sent to P6. No additional data entry is necessary! The updates must even be approved before they take effect in your P6 schedule so nothing can get imported and affect the project schedule without having first been reviewed and accepted. Let’s have a look at some of the configuration options available in CAPPS.

CAPPS - v10 Release

Introducing CAPPS Version 10.0

Release brings user controls and layouts to the tool

May 27, 2020

Introducing CAPPS Version 10.0

Release brings user controls and layouts to the tool

New Features

  • On-Screen - Layout Saving

  • On-Screen - Column Controls

  • On-Screen - Filtering Controls

  • On-Screen - Sorting Controls

  • On-Screen - Tab Controls

  • Configurable - P6 Columns for Baselines, Total Float

  • Configurable - Columns to Include UDFs and Codes


  • Performance Improvements

  • Support for Brave Browser

  • Notebook Improvements for Feedback

CAPPS - v09 Release

Latest release makes updating and approving easy

February 4, 2020

Latest release makes updating and approving easy

New Features

  • On-Screen - Approvals

  • On-Screen - Rejections

  • On-Screen - feedback status data

  • Configurable - Pre-Filtering for users

  • Configurable - database interactions


  • Performance improvements for extracting and loading into CAPPS

  • Support for Chrome Browser

  • Support for IE 10 Browser

  • Technology changes and enhancements