Articles in Category: Primavera P6
Why Give Meaningful Names to Filters and Layouts in P6?
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist on Wednesday, 15 January 2025. Posted in Primavera P6
Are EPS Level Activity Codes Worth the Hassle?
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist on Friday, 10 January 2025. Posted in Primavera P6
New Functionality in Primavera P6 Professional v23.10
Range Copy/Range Paste, Project Count, CPP Format Export, Import from Excel
There are several new pieces of functionality in P6 Professional v23.10. We will start with a high level look at a few of the elements. One of the new pieces of functionality added allows users to paste multiple data entries from Excel directly into P6 Professional using range copy/range paste. Copy/Paste of a range is available in both directions: Excel to P6 or P6 to Excel. From P6 to Excel select the range, right click and select Range Copy (or use Shift+Ctrl+C), and then paste the range into Excel.From P6 to Excel select the range, right click and select Range Copy (or use Shift+Ctrl+C), and then paste the range into Excel.

Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist on Tuesday, 26 March 2024. Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
P6 EPPM V23.10 – Have You Seen These Features?
Additions to Viewing Current & Recent User Sessions
By selecting the User Sessions page from the User Menu, users can view information about their recent sessions.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist on Friday, 16 February 2024. Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Check Schedule Toolbar in Primavera P6

Enabling the Check Schedule toolbar displays the toolbar icons below.

Working across the Check Schedule toolbar, the functions behind the icons are shown.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist on Friday, 02 February 2024. Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Early Dates, Late Dates and Total Float in Primavera P6
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist on Friday, 05 January 2024. Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Primavera P6 Professional - Added Functionality to Keep in Mind
Regarding the functionality to add comments about relationships, I am not suggesting that every relationship line in your P6 schedule requires comments added; however, in some circumstances it can be a handy functionality. The comments column can be added in the relationship details tab (predecessors/successors or relationships) and then the comments required can be added. Perhaps you have a lag on the relationship, or, like below, you want to confirm a relationship. Relationship comments are plain text and can be up to 250 characters long.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist on Wednesday, 25 October 2023. Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Restoring Deleted P6 Data - Never Happens Right?
A solution for common cases of accidental data deletion in Primavera P6

Accidental deletion of important data is something that happens. Everyone has done it at some point.
In Primavera P6 EPPM, some of the most common cases of accidental data deletion are:
- Deletion of the wrong resource
- Deletion of the wrong project
- Deletion of the wrong WBS node or nodes
Written by Ravi Wallau - Integration Specialist, Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist on Tuesday, 16 May 2023. Posted in All Articles, P6-Auditor, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
Differences Between Primavera P6 and Oracle Primavera Cloud
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist on Sunday, 23 April 2023. Posted in All Articles, Oracle Primavera Cloud (Prime), Primavera P6
Resource Curves and Activity Settings in Primavera P6
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist on Thursday, 09 March 2023. Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Activity Critical Path Toolbar Icons

Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist on Friday, 03 February 2023. Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
P6 Caching - Not Ready for Prime Time
We have been using P6 v18.x with several clients and have seen some differing behavior related to caching. It appears the problem may have started as early as P6 v16.x. These clients are in varying environments; P6 Oracle SaaS, EAI Hosted, and on-premise - In short, anywhere where Oracle Cloud Connect is utilized.
We were excited to see the new form of caching that appeared in v17.x. We have clients with poor internet access and P6Web is not adequate for their needs - they need P6 Client. Everyone knows that P6 Client is very chatty and needs good bandwidth to work properly, so the idea that we can cache data and do heavy lifting on our desktop rather than on the server far away was great.
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist on Monday, 15 July 2019. Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Are You Importing Unwanted RISK TYPES?
Remember our good old friend the POBS Table? Well, we have a new friend in town that is introducing itself to our database in the form of the RISKTYPE table. We have discovered numerous clients are importing XER files to their database that include a large number of Risk Categories, sometimes tens of thousands of them. No one knows where they originated, but they are multiplying and wreaking havoc.
The problem comes when an export file is created with unwanted Risk Types and imported into another database, creating more values in the destination database. The destination database then could share their large number of Risk Types to another database. Each time, the RISKTYPE table is passed along, it grows, spreading and infecting more and more databases.
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist on Wednesday, 19 June 2019. Posted in Primavera P6
P6-Scrubber - Keep Your Primavera P6 Clean!
Introducing our Latest Primavera P6 Add-on
Are you importing schedules into scrubbing databases, taking out all the unwanted data you don't want to pollute your production database, re-exporting the schedule and then importing it into the database where it should have gone in the first place?
Do you have required specifications your contractors need to follow for their schedules, but have a hard time knowing whether those details are missing or incorrect until you've already imported them?
Do you want to ensure you are not importing POBS tables and corrupted RISKTYPE tables?
That's a lot of quality assurance to do! Maintaining your corporate data standards for dashboarding and reporting can be a full time job, especially when project teams have their own coding structures and requirements for their P6 Environment.
Don't worry; there's relief. Emerald has developed a new tool that will do all that work for you! We are now introducing P6-Scrubber.
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist on Wednesday, 19 June 2019. Posted in P6-Scrubber, Primavera P6