Green up reports can be configured on the specifics required by your project. By using P6-Reporter self-serve dashboards, you and your project teams can have current, easy to digest project information including overall status and highlights for issues requiring immediate attention. Keep in mind that the green up dashboard examples below are meant as food for thought. These examples may be reflecting exactly the items you need to track in your project(s), or you may need to track entirely different elements. Green up reports can be created for the specifics your project teams require whether it is easily tracking manufacturing stages, distribution status, inventory completion status, machine service cycle completions…the list goes on. A green up report can be configured to track many different schedule items.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Friday, 24 February 2023.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Reporter

Above is an example of a Portfolio Dashboard available in P6-Reporter that is displayed using Power BI. Self-serve dashboards provide easy access to data in a very easy to digest format. Notice the gradient color coding in these Portfolio screen shots that help focus on issues quickly. Easily re-sort column data by simply clicking on the column headers. Select graph elements and the column elements that are connected to it automatically filter to highlight on the dashboard. (see below)
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Friday, 17 February 2023.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Reporter
Your project schedule will be created in P6, and you are looking to provide the best schedule tools for your project team. What can you add to your team tool kit to assist the project team, address building the schedule, monitor schedule quality, utilize options for updating the schedule and make reporting quick and easy? Let’s look at a few examples for some food for thought.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Friday, 10 February 2023.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, P6-QA, P6-Reporter, TAPS
In the P6 toolbars choices, an Activity Critical Path toolbar is now available. Let’s have a quick look at the icons.

Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Friday, 03 February 2023.
Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Easily Manage Key Resources and Mandatory Activities in P6!
Written by Dan MacMillan
Easily Manage Key Resources and Mandatory Activities in P6!
New Features
Groups related projects together.
Analyzes the order in which key resources move between projects and groups in P6.
Automatically builds and maintains a project code hierarchy that shows the groups and projects in the order in which key resources visit them.
Automatically builds and maintains logic between projects and between groups that models the movement of these key resources.
Automatically adds or removes optional activities on the first or last project in a group to represent resource setup or teardown time.
Flags projects with an alert indicator UDF if required activities are missing.
A key resource could be a rig, a crane, or any other major equipment or resource that you want to optimize the utilization of.
Multiple key resources can be managed.
You control what defines a group of projects.
Different rules for building logic can be defined for resource moves within a group and resource moves between groups.
You control how projects are sorted to determine the order in which each key resource moves between them.
The project code dictionary, logic, and optional activities automatically adapt to changes in project order.
You control which projects are checked for mandatory activities.
P6-Calculator Case Studies
on Tuesday, 31 January 2023.
Posted in News, P6-Calculator
Do you have project critical path status information at your fingertips? Your project teams need current criticality information to make timely, informed project decisions. Delayed decisions or basing decisions on old information can be costly to your projects.
Using the new criticality report now available with P6-Reporter, the current criticality information will always be at your fingertips. Use the filters to choose the file and snapshot required. Keep in mind, the snapshot process can be carried out manually or be automated.

Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Friday, 27 January 2023.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Reporter
In P6, identifying each specific project using each UDF in a quick, consolidated, easy to use manner can be very challenging. With ten subject areas where UDFs can be created and the ability to create an unlimited number of UDFs, the complete list of UDFs in a P6 database can be very large. The ability to quickly create a consolidated report telling you exactly which project each UDF is being used in can be very useful.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Saturday, 21 January 2023.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader
Often on a Turnaround, or any large project, you need to report resource availability and requirements in your schedule by Craft (trade) and Company. But often, that’s not how the resource dictionary hierarchy is set up. How do we solve this problem? Well, an easy solution to the reporting requirement is using resource codes.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Thursday, 12 January 2023.
Posted in All Articles, Turnarounds
Can you readily monitor commodities on your P6 projects? For example, if your business is oil and gas, can you readily track the requirements of casing or the production levels of oil? For tracking your projects, consider self-serve dashboards for your portfolio of projects.

Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Monday, 09 January 2023.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Reporter
How are you reporting summary progress information on your project? For example, how are you tracking and reporting inspections? Does your team have access to Valve, Exchanger or Piping Summaries in their project reporting dashboards? Provide your team access to easy to digest status reports on progress specifics on your project that are updated using automated snapshots in P6-Reporter (previously EP-datawarehouse). The added information availability is not an extra task that your team needs to spend time on. Once the regular updates to your schedule are completed/reviewed/analyzed, a snapshot of the project is taken. The snapshot process can be automated or you can do it manually if you prefer. The snapshot provides the current information to P6-Reporter dashboard reports. The information the dashboard user views are the latest available from the snapshots. Have regular snapshots of your projects to feed dashboard reports which work to streamline the reporting process. This ensures all team members have access to the most current information with no printing and/or emailing of the reports required for distribution. Previous snapshots are available for easy access if required in P6-Reporter self-serve dashboards; just change the Report date in the drop down menu. Below are some examples of Summary reports displayed in Tableau. Similar reports can be displayed using ODV and Power BI as well.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Wednesday, 28 December 2022.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Reporter
The cancel function has been long available in TAPS Classic and has now been added to TAPS Mobile. Just how easy is this function to use? This easy:
Step 1 – Enter your credentials and Sign In.

Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Sunday, 18 December 2022.
Posted in All Articles, TAPS
Whether it is inspections, pressure safety valves, piping or other elements you are tracking in your P6 Schedule, you can use P6-Reporter Green Up reports which are easily created and maintained right from your P6 schedule. That is correct - no separate spreadsheets required!
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Sunday, 11 December 2022.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Reporter
Work online or offline to define and scrub your XER files and now, in the new release, XML files. Version 5 makes scrubbing files even easier for schedulers.
Written by Ravi Wallau
Work online or offline to define and scrub your XER files and now, in the new release, XML files. Version 5 makes scrubbing files even easier for schedulers.
New Features
XML support! Now the P6-Scrubber can scrub XER or XML files.
Simple prefix - lets you add a prefix to global objects such as resources, code types, UDFs, calendars, etc. to identify where it came from.
XML sanitation - when scrubbing an XML file, its contents are saved accordingly to the XML schema file. If the file cannot be imported into P6 EPPM because of schema errors, processing the file with the P6-Scrubber may fix it.
Version control - setting the version you are uploading back into P6 is now in the GUI for easier control for both XER and XML importing.
Parent role & resource - to land all the resources and roles in the scrubber file under a specific role or resource in the P6 database.
OBS definition - it is possible to choose an OBS that will be associated to the project when it is imported when scrubbing XER files.
SSO/ SAML support - if you are using SSO/ SAML for your P6 Cloud environment, you can perform SSO/ SAML login with the P6-Scrubber.
P6-Scrubber News Articles
on Monday, 05 December 2022.
Posted in News, P6-Scrubber
TAPS is not just a tool to streamline P6 project file updates. Are you looking to monitor and report on earned value (EV) at the resource level? P6 out of the box (OOTB) calculates EV at the activity level. Using TAPS Classic or Mobile provides some additional background calculations which are available for monitoring and reporting from P6 itself or from P6-Reporter (if you are using that tool). Even when multiple resources are assigned to an activity, the EV calculated in P6 OOTB is at the activity level. With EV calculations at the resource level you can gain more insight into where you may need to step in because a subcontractor is struggling (for example). With any issues easily identified, the assistance required can be coordinated and implemented to help bring activity progress closer in line with the execution plan as well as document lessons learned to prevent repeat occurrences.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Sunday, 04 December 2022.
Posted in All Articles, TAPS
Access your self-serve Project Detail Dashboard for easy to digest project information (displayed below in Tableau). Just choose the project and snapshot you want to view using the filters at the top left corner of the dashboard. The project displayed in the dashboard below is a drilling project. This example is food for thought on reporting options available for your projects.

Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Sunday, 27 November 2022.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Reporter