Articles in Category: All Articles
Oracle Primavera Cloud (OPC) - What's New in v24.6?
In a Program, the user can now use ‘schedule with multiple float paths’ functionality for any size of program.
Schedule the projects using multiple float paths and calculate the end date.
Oracle Primavera Cloud (OPC) - Looking to Add Formatting to Your Activities or Task View?
Oracle Primavera Cloud (OPC) Inbox - What Can I Access Here?
Oracle Primavera Cloud (OPC) - How to Create a Project Manually
To add a project directly, we will use the Add Project wizard to add details, user and group access, permissions, and companies to the new project. A new project can be created without data, or you can copy data from an existing project or template. Keep in mind that data stored at the workspace level and relationships between projects are not available to copy.
Access Projects and then View All Projects.
P6-Loader - Financial Periods
In the P6-Loader, the financial period is a global object you can export.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Version 24.4 - What Has Changed?
The user can now export baselines and scenarios as projects in XER format. The P6 XER format does not support baselines, and Primavera P6 does not support scenarios, but both can be exported from OPC as projects to be imported into P6 though. This will assist with the Time Impact Analysis and any subcontractor status update processes when contracts require that data be exchanged in XER format.
The Export to P6 dialog now allows selection of baselines and scenarios when Export format XER or Compressed XER is selected. The Export Baseline or Scenario Only is auto checked and read only when a baseline/scenario is selected.
Oracle Primavera Cloud - Activities Added in the Progress File but Not in the Baseline - Now What?
Open the Activities page (Schedule App):
Oracle Primavera Cloud Reporting Cycles - What Are They?
Workspace Report Cycles:
Oracle Primavera Cloud Updates in v24.2
To start, you can now import a baseline or scenario of a P6 XML to create a new project or to create a scenario or baseline of an existing project. Any associated baseline categories will also be imported. Food for thought: this can provide additional flexibility on how baselines and scenarios are shared between owners, general contractors, and subcontractors.
New Functionality in Primavera P6 Professional v23.10
Range Copy/Range Paste, Project Count, CPP Format Export, Import from Excel
There are several new pieces of functionality in P6 Professional v23.10. We will start with a high level look at a few of the elements. One of the new pieces of functionality added allows users to paste multiple data entries from Excel directly into P6 Professional using range copy/range paste. Copy/Paste of a range is available in both directions: Excel to P6 or P6 to Excel. From P6 to Excel select the range, right click and select Range Copy (or use Shift+Ctrl+C), and then paste the range into Excel.From P6 to Excel select the range, right click and select Range Copy (or use Shift+Ctrl+C), and then paste the range into Excel.
P6 EPPM V23.10 – Have You Seen These Features?
Additions to Viewing Current & Recent User Sessions
By selecting the User Sessions page from the User Menu, users can view information about their recent sessions.P6-Loader v13 - New Release
Easier Hierarchies and Fragnet Templating
February 9, 2024
Easier Hierarchies and Fragnet Templating
New Features
Easier to work with hierarchical fields - WBS, Resources, Roles, Codes, EPS, OBS, and Cost Accounts.
Full path extracting and loading for all hierarchical codes makes working with these hierarchies easier in Excel. Several new fields were added including the full code path field and a field showing the level of the hierarchy. This makes building hierarchies in Excel easier and loading them into P6 less error prone. Separator definitions are now also configurable.
Allows importing of WBS with their codes (without needing the path) if they are unique across a project
WBS template fragnet loader - You can take advantage of WBS templates built in P6 within P6-Loader to copy WBS nodes, activities, resources assignments, logic, steps, and expenses from one or many templates and fill in any placeholders for activity ID and names as you generate new WBSs into your project. You can also assign UDFs and codes to WBS, activities and resource assignments while applying a template. This is like the old P3 Fragnets on steroids.
Improving the handling of spread information to allow quarterly and yearly spread extractions are back. Manual spread loading of these spread periods is not supported.
Automatically starts activities when loading resource assignment period actuals.
Better error handling with the API when loading batches and better controlling of batching.
Includes project names and activity names in the relationship sheet when extracting.
Fixes a problem that would occur when trying to extract project data with no projects selected.
Better use of UI space in the bottom toolbar.
Check Schedule Toolbar in Primavera P6
Enabling the Check Schedule toolbar displays the toolbar icons below.
Working across the Check Schedule toolbar, the functions behind the icons are shown.
P6-QA v8 - New Release
Your P6-QA metrics are now available in Power BI reports. You can also create custom reports via our P6-Reporter tool in your corporate dashboards. These reports include time based metrics to help you see where in your project these quality issues exist.
January 30, 2024
Your P6-QA metrics are now available in Power BI reports. You can also create custom reports via our P6-Reporter tool in your corporate dashboards. These reports include time based metrics to help you see where in your project these quality issues exist.
New Features
New UDFs to show variances and calculated values - P6-QA may report that you have activities that are overdue for updating, but are they over by 2 days or 2 months? And what is your project's critical path length index (CPLI) exactly? Now you can view these metrics right in P6 to know how close they are to your target values.
Indicators for resource assignments - P6-QA has reported you have resource assignments that are missing roles, actuals or perhaps are over budget. In this release, we've added indicator UDFs. P6-QA populates them to let you find the affected resource assignment with ease.
P6-Reporter Ready - We've added custom tables to our P6-Reporter tool that neatly arrange your P6-QA data, including all of the inspection details, so it's ready to be put into the reporting software of your choice.
P6-QA statistics can now be pushed into time-based graphics. Being able to critique different portions of your schedule to get a much better idea of the risks and timing of those risks.
Improved inspection control - Are there inspections you are not using? Turn them off to get a more streamlined report and save points. We've made it easier to control which QA inspections you want and which you don't.