Our latest version of the P6-Loader brings a new user-interface with the ability to save extract definition and new version 20 support, as well as UDF merging.
Written by Ravi Wallau
Our latest version of the P6-Loader brings a new user-interface with the ability to save extract definition and new version 20 support, as well as UDF merging.
New Features
New user-interface component with the ability to quickly search modules and projects
Added the ability to save frequently used extractions
Customizing columns to include in extraction files
UDF merge utility - allows you to easily merge UDF values - useful when importing XER/ XML files from different sources
on Wednesday, 30 June 2021.
Posted in News, P6-Loader
Version 10 of the P6-Loader now uses the Cloud API, a programming platform developed by Emerald to allow our apps to work with either the P6 API or the P6 Web Services. It also streamlines restoring and reassigning baselines and initiated support for the new P6 v20 objects.
Written by Ravi Wallau
Version 10 of the P6-Loader now uses the Cloud API, a programming platform developed by Emerald to allow our apps to work with either the P6 API or the P6 Web Services. It also streamlines restoring and reassigning baselines and initiated support for the new P6 v20 objects.
New Features
Restoring and reassigning baselines streamlined
The P6-Loader now uses the Cloud API, a programming platform developed by Emerald to allow our apps to work with either the P6 API or the P6 Web Services
The resource spread periods can now be imported correctly - in some cases, the spread information would not be imported correctly
Baseline projects can now be moved across projects more easily
A baseline can be assigned as the current baseline of the project in the baseline sheet itself
New Primavera v20 objects - financial period calendars, new role rates, resource assignment and role codes
on Monday, 03 May 2021.
Posted in News, P6-Loader
We've all worked with frustrating, outdated software. It's a pain to try and get everything to work the way you want it to, and the task is usually just too important or time-sensitive to take a break from. Everyone knows where that leads - yelling, cursing, or just slouching down in your chair in defeat, bested by technology once again.
Written by Ian Nicholson, P.Eng. - VP Solutions
on Wednesday, 31 July 2019.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader
In P6, identifying which projects are using each Activity Code in a quick, consolidated, easy to use manner is challenging. Especially when you consider some clients have a LOT of baselines.
But is this is r-e-a-l-l-y information we need to be able to capture? In my experience, there are a number of scenarios where that answer is a resounding “Yes”! One common example – the Activity Codes Dictionary needs to be cleaned up.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Thursday, 29 November 2018.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
Emerald Associates is well known in the US and Canada for our homegrown add-on tools for Primavera P6. We have assisted numerous companies in many diverse areas to get the most out of their P6 software. You may wonder how our tools can assist in the Department of Transportation (DOT) field to get more done in P6 with less time while still providing useful data to your stakeholders and remaining good stewards of the public's funds. Our tools will help you do more work in less time, so that your project management group has more time to analyze and perfect their schedules.
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist
on Friday, 27 July 2018.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader
We have all experienced at one point or another how tedious (and time consuming) setting or changing resource availability can be in the P6 resource dictionary. Particularly for an example like the one we will walk through where you are setting up or adjusting turnaround resources and the weekend rule happens to be ½ crews.
P6-Loader can ease the pain of these types of tasks.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Wednesday, 02 May 2018.
Posted in P6-Loader, Primavera P6
In P6, identifying each specific project using each of the Global Calendars in a concise, fast, easy to use manner is challenging. Some may think this is not necessary very often, but in my experience, it has been quite the opposite!
Is this functionality already handled in Primavera P6, Client or Web? A very good question - let’s have a look.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Tuesday, 24 April 2018.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader
When you have a large number of users in your P6 database, it is surprising how quickly that database can get “clogged up” with a lot of unwanted data. This happens even when using Sandbox databases, restricting privileges and every other trick you have thought of; long time P6 users know what I am talking about.
Written by Nicole Jardin, P.Eng. - CEO
on Wednesday, 14 February 2018.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
On every Turnaround there are Pre-Turnaround activities that do not get done prior to the actual Turnaround and need to be moved into the Turnaround phase of the schedule.
The challenge is how to record actual hours earned in the PRE phase vs the TA phase, since a large number of these activities already have earned hours associated with them. Simply moving the activities would decrease the reporting of hours in PRE and create earned hours in TA for work that was actually done in PRE.
This can be done simply and quickly with P6-Loader.
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist
on Wednesday, 10 January 2018.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader
UDFs - Making Sure They are Clean
When working with a client to setup cost controls in P6, we were working with budgets, estimates, work in progress, incurred to dates etc. These required a lot of User-Defined Fields in P6 to make sure we were able to cleanly track all the values we were pulling from the disparate systems from accounting to spreadsheets.
As a contractor, we were planning to track both the costs of the project delivery and the sale to the client. This way we could also report on profit margins and markup.
Written by Nicole Jardin, P.Eng. - CEO
on Wednesday, 31 May 2017.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
A Project Code Called EPS!
Project codes in the global dictionary are an important part of an organization's enterprise data in P6. Needless to say, keeping this dictionary (as well as other global data dictionaries) clean and well-organized is an essential task for the application administrator, as well as for other admin superusers. Incorrectly named project codes and project code values result in confusion and translates into unproductive time for the users, which ultimately results in losses for the company.
on Monday, 01 May 2017.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
A step-by-step guide on how to create new users in P6 using the P6-Loader
The P6-Loader helps streamline and accelerate many processes, one of which is creating new P6 users. The P6-Loader is a flexible and secure solution that allows users with the correct security access on their P6 profile to extract and upload nearly every data element in P6 data. Let’s have a look at how easy it makes creating new P6 users.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Tuesday, 27 September 2016.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
The New Release of the P6-Loader and Other Emerald Tools Have a New Model
Selecting the proper software licensing model can be a rather cumbersome exercise. It requires IT administrator and project managers etc. to go through many different steps and ask questions such as:
- Should I use Named User license model?
- How many users will need access to the software?
- What if more people will join our team down the road?
- Can I decrease without penalties /cancellation fee number of licenses?
- What if a user needs access to the software temporarily and may not need it later? How can I handle the cost of such scenarios efficiently?
- How much paperwork will I need to fill in and how much time will it take to process an amendment request?
- What if person is on vacation? Can I reuse a license for another employee?
- How can I track who/when/how uses the system?
- As a contractor I want to track usage on a per project basis so I can invoice my clients respectively?
on Friday, 01 April 2016.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader
Many advanced Primavera P6 users have been manipulating XER’s for years – in fact there are tools out there specifically for manipulating XER’s. We have always recommended against manipulating XER’s and here is an example of why:
Written by Ian Nicholson, P.Eng. - VP Solutions
on Thursday, 17 March 2016.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
The P6-Loader Saves the Day!!!
We are working with a client who is consolidating many separate P6 databases into a production database, turnaround database and an archive database. Along with the thousands of projects being exported from the old databases to the new ones, our client wants the baselines for projects exported, imported and reattached for a large number of the projects. If you have ever had to un-assign and restore baselines and then turn around and attach and reassign them for even a handful of projects, you know how tedious and time consuming it can be. First, the baseline has to be un-assigned, then restored to a project in the original database. Once the baseline has been imported into the new database, the baseline has to be converted back into a baseline and re-attached to the original project.
Written by Sue Fermelia - Implementation Specialist
on Monday, 14 March 2016.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader