Top 4 Reasons Why You Would Consider Moving To The Primavera Cloud

Since the earliest days of cloud computing technology, the question “why move to the Cloud?” has been asked over and over again. The truth is, every new technology faces doubt and suspicion at first, especially when it pretends to replace well established norms and infrastructures. But now, in 2016, more and more companies have already migrated over.
When working with the Oracle Primavera suite of products, scenarios vary a lot from one corporation to another, and each case must be studied carefully before decisions can be made.
Here are 4 reasons why we think moving to a Cloud-based Primavera Solution will lead to positive results:
Scalability is an essential component of Cloud Computing. With a Primavera cloud based solution, companies not only pay progressive costs depending on usage (amount of users) but also skip the - sometimes prohibitive- upfront installation costs. Similarly, periodic subscriptions and convenient payment flexibility are appreciated.
Maintenance Cost and Complexity
Perhaps the most convincing argument in favor of adopting a cloud based solution is the simplicity that it provides, as opposed to setting up an in-house infrastructure. While bigger corporations may already have a seasoned IT department with hardware and adequate resources managing it, many companies cannot afford it. In such scenarios, going Cloud is a relief for all maintenance hassles related to setting up local solutions. Oracle Primavera is composed of a complex technological web and finding the right resources to manage it can be challenging.
Access Anywhere
Core to any cloud-based solution, the remote/anywhere access to the application is a major feature that is becoming a functionality expected by itinerant workers. With Primavera in the Cloud, provide all your contractors with remote (and secure) access to your server from anywhere, and save yourself the hassle of synchronizing all of their respective standalone databases. This is also a major bonus for any corporation willing to apply business intelligence and reports on their Primavera databases, because they can now read data from any source with no delays.
Mobile Ready Front-end
In the era of smartphones and tablets, it is expected that software be mobile compatible and fully functional. Unfortunately there’s still a gap between the old-school software technologies and the lightning fast world of the World Wide Web. For example, Java applets are still present in the Primavera Suite, and represent challenge for many corporations (Java applets are not supported on mobile phones). Emerald’s Cloud provides a Java-free, HTML5 ready, end user interface, so users can access any software they wish from their mobile phone or tablet. CEO Nicole Jardin also had commentary on the Primavera Java topic in her recent blog “ Primavera P6 15.2 – Java Components Almost Gone”.
Are You Ready To Migrate to the Cloud?
If you would like to know more or want to better understand if the Primavera Cloud is right for you please contact us or take a look at our Cloud offering.