Funding and Unifier Part 2: The Project Level
How to allocate funds in a project
As a continuation to Funding and Unifier Part 1 where we discussed how to track funds at the company level, we will now discuss funds at the project level, including how to allocate funds to a project, the approval workflow, and how to assign funds at the WBS Level.
Every project has their own Funding Sheet, and only one, similar to the Company Funding Sheet. The funding sheet allows us to select the processes that contribute to the assignment of funds at the project and the WBS Level.

At the Project level, we can assign company funding to the projects by the Funding Appropriation Business Process. Unifier provides us with an out-of-the-box workflow, which can be customized as discussed in the blog “Customizing Business Process Workflows in uDesigner”.

In the picture above, we can see the out-of-the-box workflow. In the image below, we can see a more sophisticated workflow which includes new approvals, depending on the amount of the funds. In this case, the application should be approved by the CEO if the AFE Budget is more than 10M.

For the assignment of funds at the WBS level, it is necessary to define which funds are going to be consumed per cost code on the project cost sheet. We can select the order of the funding or use a percentage. Similar to the case at the project level, it’s possible to create a business process that contributes to the funding allocation.

Unifier allows us to select different ways to allocate funds in a project and in the cost codes. This flexible tool provides us with multiple options to meet our project requirements.