P6-Loader Used to Create a P6 Schedule
Learn how Emerald helped an oil refinery prepare for a turnaround using Primavera P6

Refinery used P6-Loader to create a P6 schedule prior to a turnaround starting

Client Overview
The client is one of the largest refineries in Canada. They were using CASP as their project management solution for their turnaround (TA). They moved to P6 EPPM six months before their TA and needed to get the historical data from CASP into P6 without delay while getting the team up-to-speed on P6.
Previous turnarounds did not finish on time and on budget and were hard to manage.
They had more than 1000 work packages planned, but they were in Excel or on paper.
They had no schedulers familiar with P6.
Time was short - Emerald was put on the project only 6 months before the turnaround was starting.
Emerald sent two implementation specialists four months before the TA started. They set up P6 and created a resource-loaded CPM schedule.
Used P6-Loader to automate grabbing simple Work Order, Task, and Resource sheets from Excel to create the P6 schedule. More packages were being developed and loaded right throughout the turnaround.
A full critical path schedule was built, resource leveling was developed, and reporting and metrics were standardized.
Emerald helped run their three subsequent TAs.
Utilized TAPS for updating progress of the activities.