P6-Reporter – Project Team Self-Serve Dashboard Reports
If your team’s struggling with time-consuming manual updates, there are tools that can help you automate the process. Emerald’s P6-Loader allows you to use Excel-based update sheets to load updates into your progress file. Another one of our tools, TAPS, facilitates updating P6 using activity barcodes (TAPS Classic) or process updates using TAPS Mobile from your phone. These tools make it quick and painless to get accurate updates into your P6 files. Your team will then have more time for analyzing your schedule instead of wasting time with tedious updating.

Above: P6-Reporter, Project Details – Activities (Tableau) Report – updated using P6-Reporter snapshot information. At the project level, easily identify early, on time, and late activities at a summary and in detail (variances are included). Activities starting during the upcoming month and finishing during the upcoming month are also displayed.

Sample P6-Reporter, Green Up Reports (Tableau). No boardroom wall or manual updating required.

Sample P6-Reporter, Cancelled Work Hours by Resource Report (Power BI). This is a report I have produced manually and utilized on a P6-Reporter dashboard. Dashboard access saved time and provided the information to all team members who required it without sending out .pdf copies. They can just access their dashboard to use the available information.

Sample P6-Reporter, Sample Management Dashboard (Power BI). Food for thought: does your team have access to the information they require quickly, in an easy to digest format to support addressing any issues in a timely fashion?

Sample P6-Reporter, Pipeline Dashboard (Power BI) Although the project information displayed is specifically demo pipeline project information, dashboard specifics can be designed for any project type.
A very valuable opportunity exists to provide self-serve dashboards for your project team. Take advantage of streamlining your project reporting and provide current information in an easy to digest format. Utilize P6-Reporter to automatically store snapshots after each project update. The snapshots update the dashboard reports giving everyone on your team the information they need quickly and easily. No matter the type of project, P6-Reporter dashboards are a valuable tool. Current information in an easy to digest format, ready at your fingertips is a great addition to any project.
About the Author
Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
Mary Lynn spent many years filling a variety of project controls duties such as planning, scheduling, analyzing, training and continuous improvement in the Aerospace Industry. Since joining Emerald in 2008, she has been a tremendous asset to the Emerald team. She has worked as a lead scheduler for turnarounds, led sessions for review and troubleshooting of scheduling and reporting, created and given custom training courses for clients, and is a sought after Primavera P6 trainer.
Mary Lynn enjoys some very diverse spare time activities. Along with a variety of outdoor activities such as gardening, she also enjoys making life size lawn ornaments for special holidays like Christmas. Mary Lynn is known for her participation in the community as well. You may have seen her walking in fundraisers in Edmonton and Calgary for the Cancer Society.