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Emerald Blog

Stories, Tips And Tricks From Our Team’s Experiences With Primavera Since 1995

Spreading Primavera Cheer All The Way In Kuala Lumpur

The 8th International Petroleum Technology Conference

Spreading Primavera Cheer All The Way In Kuala Lumpur

Emerald Associates recently attended the 8th International Petroleum Technology Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in December 2014.

The conference was held in the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre not far from the site of the famous Petronas Towers and drew over 10,000 attendees.

Should I Install P6 PPM or P6 EPPM When Installing Primavera P6 on a Single Workstation?

Some technical considerations to help you decide which Primavera P6 version is right for you

This is a very common and puzzling question for someone who is installing P6 on a single workstation and is only going to have a single user – should I go with P6 Professional, also known as Primavera Project Portfolio Management (PPM), or P6 Enterprise, also known as Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM)?

We Caught Another Primavera P6 Bug


One of our consultants who is currently loading large amounts of P6 data using Emerald’s P6 Loader came to me with a concern that there is sometimes a lag between loading information using our P6 Loader (via the API’s) and it appearing in P6, even if he repeatedly pressed the F5 (Refresh) key. The lag could be minutes or hours depending on the situation.

Managing Group Memberships in Unifier

Simplifying Bulk Access Control Administration

Primavera Unifier has a powerful security model that can be challenging to administer. It allows modeling roles by using groups and assigns roles to users by adding them to those groups. In addition, permissions can be granted to groups. The thing that makes it difficult to administer is that each project and shell has its own groups.

What's New in Primavera Unifier 10.1

Primavera Unifier Goes International with Multi-Language

The release of version 10.1 marks a new milestone in the progression of Primavera Unifier as an international product. It’s a tough choice between whether the introduction of multi-language capabilities or the significant changes in the P6 Integration functionality is our favorite improvement.

Leveling Resources In Primavera P6 For A Turnaround Project

The proper management of resources on a turnaround project is vital to its success. Levelling functionality of Primavera P6 is heavily utilized by planners and schedulers to make sure the deadlines set by the turnaround (TA) management are met and resources are utilized in the optimum way.

Primavera P6 What-If Analysis, Resourcing and Turnarounds

A turnaround is a very large undertaking. The first and foremost priority must be safety. Always keeping that in mind, the team must address all aspects of the in scope (known work) as well as found work (which has the potential for a few surprises!). Scheduling of such an event is a must!

Oracle ODA and ZFS Appliance Rack and Stack


We are just at the beginning of a project to migrate our client's Primavera databases and applications onto multiple Oracle Database Appliance X4-2s (ODAs) and Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-2s (ZSAs) in multiple datacenters, implementing the Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture to ensure the highest standard of availability is maintained. They have had issues in the past with their system becoming unavailable during a turnaround and they have acquired these appliances and contracted Emerald Associates to ensure that experience is not repeated.