How the P6-Loader Makes Life Easy When Working With P6 Resource Assignments and Resource Dictionaries
Working with P6 resource assignments and resource dictionaries can be extremely time-consuming. The task becomes especially tedious when it comes to planning a turnaround project with multiple daily shifts and varying crew sizes on day and night shifts, or a capital project where you have rotating work shifts with crews overlapping on the back shift.
on Monday, 09 November 2015.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
We have been using v15.2 of P6, both EPPM and PPM, for 2 weeks now. I personally use the client or PPM the most. This version has been upgraded to 64 bit, and I can really see the difference in speed.
Written by Nicole Jardin, P.Eng. - CEO
on Friday, 30 October 2015.
Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Adjusting Primavera P6 Settings and Structures with the P6-Loader
We recently had a support call from a client that started having performance issues with their P6 database during the pre-work phase of their turnaround. We looked at the Oracle enterprise database and found a massive amount of archive logs being chewed up. In fact, it was on a scale of 1-2 GB of logs within 2-5 minutes on average. With that kind of volume it would not take long for a server to receive the dreaded Oracle error message ORA-00257: archiver error. When this happens the database usually needs more space on the device where the archive log files are stored, which results in the database not allowing any more transactions until the issue is corrected.
Written by Paul Jardin - VP of Technology
on Thursday, 22 October 2015.
Posted in P6-Loader, Primavera P6
A comparison of the Primavera P6 Import and Export Functionality and Emerald's P6-Loader
The P6-Loader is a unique Primavera enhancement tool developed by Emerald for the secure movement of data between Primavera P6 and Microsoft Excel. Many users are aware that P6 already has some built-in functionality, which is why I often hear this question from my students, as well as from my clients: How is the P6-Loader different from the built-in import and export functionality in P6 Client?
There are numerous differences between the two when it comes to choosing the right tool for importing/exporting your P6 data. Here are some of the main points to consider:
on Tuesday, 13 October 2015.
Posted in P6-Loader, Primavera P6
A step-by-step guide with screenshots
There has been a lot of excitement around the Emerald office with the release of Primavera P6 15.2. Emerald has been a Primavera partner for over two decades now and have come to learn that with each release there are some good surprises. Thanks goes out to Karen Pilla and the Oracle team for driving the next phase of developments on a mature product that helps project managers run some of the largest and smallest projects around the globe.
Written by Paul Jardin - VP of Technology
on Thursday, 08 October 2015.
Posted in Primavera P6
Watch Out For The Build Number
There are some issues that we observed when upgrading from the 15.1 release of Primavera P6 to version 15.1.6. When we ran the setup.exe file for P6 15.1.6 it did not change the build number after we logged into P6 client.
Written by Paul Jardin - VP of Technology
on Tuesday, 06 October 2015.
Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
I woke up with little stress or angst the other day despite the fact that I knew we were replacing a memory module on Emerald’s Primavera-in-a-Box solution that was running production workloads for a client in the energy industry.
Written by Paul Jardin - VP of Technology
on Wednesday, 30 September 2015.
Posted in All Articles, Oracle Engineered Systems
When registering for Emerald’s Primavera training courses, people often ask these kinds of questions:
- What version of P6 is this training based on?
- If I am using version 7 (8.1, 8.2, etc.) at work, will it be OK for me to take the training course on the latest version?
The truth is the version does not really matter. Indeed, with each new release, Oracle is making enhancements and adding functionality to the tool, making it even more attractive for the end users in different industries. At the same time, the core functionality of the tool remains the same.
on Monday, 14 September 2015.
Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6
Upgrading from Oracle 11g to 12C took approximately an hour with the Oracle Database Appliance
The Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) is part of Oracle’s flagship Engineered Systems that are designed to optimize the entire hardware and software technology stack to deliver extreme performance, reliability and high availability. Now while there are many advantages, we want to highlight how much this system reduces deployment and database provisioning time down to a few hours compared to the multiple weeks it would take using traditional legacy systems.
on Monday, 31 August 2015.
Posted in All Articles, Oracle Engineered Systems
How to easily change UDF titles on multiple project layers and in multiple environments with the P6-Loader
As we get ready to launch our P6-QA tool we were doing our final QA of field names, usability etc. and I was just not loving Ravi’s Portuguese or programmer naming convention, (Sorry Ravi). But before I went crazy and just started to change the names and break everything, I used our P6-Loader to extract all the Primavera P6 UDFs (User Defined Fields) from our demo environment.
Written by Nicole Jardin, P.Eng. - CEO
on Monday, 13 July 2015.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
Integration versus P6-Loader - when each is appropriate
While working with a client the other day I was asked “when should we look at integration versus using a loader?”
I am not sure I answered the question particularly thoroughly in the moment, but thought it would be good to share some of Emerald’s surprising experiences related to both in our blog.
Written by Nicole Jardin, P.Eng. - CEO
on Wednesday, 24 June 2015.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
Materials Delivery Documents Added to Emerald's PCM Loader
Recently, we were asked by a potential customer about adding support for Materials Delivery documents to the PCM Loader. Because the development of the PCM Loader has been customer driven, we always welcome the opportunity to consider adding support for new document types.
on Friday, 12 June 2015.
Posted in All Articles, Primavera Contract Management
Installing and Evaluating Instantis EnterpriseTrack Version 9
We had the opportunity to install and evaluate the latest version of Instantis EnterpriseTrack Version 9 in our demo environment. Instantis EnterpriseTrack is a cloud based project portfolio management solution provided by Oracle Primavera with the key feature of quick and easy deployment.
on Thursday, 04 June 2015.
Posted in All Articles, Other
Create layouts in Primavera P6 and populate columns with data that is normally unavailable
When creating reports using the current layout for the activity table in Primavera P6, we know that layouts can be customized depending on the information we want to display. These types of reports can be modified as they are built; they can be grouped, filtered, sorted and summarized for reporting purposes. You can also view summary information for the displayed columns per your criteria or your specific job requirements. But what happens if we want to merge different information into a single column? Or when we need information in the detail window that is not available as an option to be displayed as a column in our layouts?
Through the learning process there are always requirements that are not as obvious or easily implemented as we may think. For instance, neither relationship type nor lags are available as columns for our layouts. How can we make this process happen and do it in the most efficient way possible?
on Tuesday, 19 May 2015.
Posted in All Articles, P6-Loader, Primavera P6
Solving complex scheduling difficulties by integrating Primavera P6 with the leading fleet management software
In chatting with a colleague, they expressed some of the difficulties they were experiencing in properly scheduling fleet maintenance shop work using their fleet management software. Our discussion centered around their maintenance process and the information they needed to track in order to streamline servicing/maintenance on the units in their fleet.
There were many difficulties being experienced with pain points such as (but not limited to) misplaced vehicle. For example, a vehicle was brought in for service, but did not arrive when it was scheduled to be in the shop (sometimes arriving early, sometimes late), or once in the shop, part requirements were discovered which necessitated the vehicle having to wait (the bay was needed for other servicing activity). In moving the vehicle out and back into the service bay, the actual tracking and confirmation of status was getting lost.
Written by Mary Lynn Backstrom, PMP, PMI-SP, PMI-BA – Implementation Specialist
on Tuesday, 12 May 2015.
Posted in All Articles, Primavera P6